Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Data, Data, and More Data (Hey, I should have reduced homework!)

Honestly, I gave myself too much homework over the break.

I am FASCINATED by the comments that students made during the Student Break-Outs last week.

I want to share one of my favorites.  In response to the question about what teachers can do to support students, this was the response:

  1. Standardized maximum test percentages within the grade book for every class making the grade less based on tests and more about what students actually know - tests cause stress and students to cheat.
  2. Adopt a policy for homework and projects that is more catering to the students.  If the teachers are not rewarded for their work over the weekends, then the students grades for homework over the weekends should not be recorded.
  3. The school should actually input some of these ideas into their policies rather than doing a same version of this each year with no visible change.
  4. Come up with better ideas to tackle stress rather than make students make posters and fill out forms...doing more work.
  5. I doubt this will actually be read, but if it is I would love to talk about it with admin to actually see what they are doing about student stress.
So honest.  Thank you.

In response, I can say 1 and 2 are good ideas.  As for number 3, these things, unfortunately, do take time.  We have a lot of people to work with and change is no easy matter.  I hope that you are seeing some visible changes, even if they are small.  In response to number 4, I guess I would say that communication is the first step.  That is what this part is really about.  Talking to each other.  Empathizing with each other.  Building consensus together (this is what makes change sustainable and not just "lip service").  

And, as for number 5.  I'm reading it.  And, it is good.  If you wrote this, drop me an email.  I would love to hear more.

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